Tuesday 5 March 2013

this season : COLORS the happiness its gives

Its the color season people , bringing out the best moods in us that what colors does .....Pains ,sadness , hurts and all those bad bad adjectives that has one or two things to do with sorrow is inevitable in our everyday life,we can overcome all these if we try to look good and show some colors sometimes. Bright colors such as Red ,Yellow , Green etc you know all them bright colors na..

There are times i feel down depressed and i really want to get out of that mood , i look through my closet and think of how i can combine my outfits of different colors. sometimes am blank no idea i just march them and when am done  i see this vein of pure happiness come out of me especially when am going on the street and someone says i love your combo ,your color combination is nice,you look good  automatically you are smiling and gradually coming out of your bad mood.its works for me infact many times .In essence looking good always makes one happy ...no matter the situation looking good is one of the medicine for good moods.
image credits : Black Girls killing it

Quarreling with your spouse ,husband ,loved ones??? and you wanna reconcile,try looking good(good hair & makeup ) + your lovely outfit  at that moment you got them staring and saying all such of nice compliments. Try this sometimes, look good  i mean really look good its helps.....

image credits :Black Girls killing it

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