Tuesday 12 March 2013

MAKE UP as an accesory

Make up is an accessory to a good outfit ,finding the right brand and the right color makes you stand out. i am a fan of make up and when i see a very good one with all the right bits at the right places with matching out fit i love.

Stepping out with a very well done Makeup gives some kind of confidence.

Lipstick is really magical. It holds more than a waxy bit of color - it holds the promise of a brilliant smile, a brilliant day and my ladies the guys loves it especially if it is moderately done.

Not wearing makeup makes the face pale and also makes your worries transparent , no one wants go about wearing their problems on their faces..... a little powder that matches your color with a lip gloss does the trick- as you move on , you will get familiar with other make up phases.

I once remember while growing up , seeing my elder sister and friends wearing makeups i told them  i could never use those things i was so convinced i dint need it because i got compliments here and there of how beautiful i am , here i am today almost an expert in it ,not just to look more pretty but to look presentable too.

Having make up on doesn't mean you aint beautiful the way you are , its only makes you look brighter, bold and confident, no matter how minutely done it is, its changes ones look.

Some ladies sometimes go over board with it  making it look like a sin, once you got a hold of your best look please keep at it , maintain and improve reasonably. Copying what others are wearing tend to give weird and fake look. if you are not sure about how you look try applying little make up so you are not looking out of place  that way you are safe. 

My makeup tip -  Full lips bold color  with little eye shadow  or bold makeup details with eye shadows and less makeup on the lips its more safe that way. 

Happy trying make ups XOXO

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