Tuesday 12 March 2013

MAKE UP as an accesory

Make up is an accessory to a good outfit ,finding the right brand and the right color makes you stand out. i am a fan of make up and when i see a very good one with all the right bits at the right places with matching out fit i love.

Stepping out with a very well done Makeup gives some kind of confidence.

Lipstick is really magical. It holds more than a waxy bit of color - it holds the promise of a brilliant smile, a brilliant day and my ladies the guys loves it especially if it is moderately done.

Not wearing makeup makes the face pale and also makes your worries transparent , no one wants go about wearing their problems on their faces..... a little powder that matches your color with a lip gloss does the trick- as you move on , you will get familiar with other make up phases.

I once remember while growing up , seeing my elder sister and friends wearing makeups i told them  i could never use those things i was so convinced i dint need it because i got compliments here and there of how beautiful i am , here i am today almost an expert in it ,not just to look more pretty but to look presentable too.

Having make up on doesn't mean you aint beautiful the way you are , its only makes you look brighter, bold and confident, no matter how minutely done it is, its changes ones look.

Some ladies sometimes go over board with it  making it look like a sin, once you got a hold of your best look please keep at it , maintain and improve reasonably. Copying what others are wearing tend to give weird and fake look. if you are not sure about how you look try applying little make up so you are not looking out of place  that way you are safe. 

My makeup tip -  Full lips bold color  with little eye shadow  or bold makeup details with eye shadows and less makeup on the lips its more safe that way. 

Happy trying make ups XOXO

Wednesday 6 March 2013

WEAVONS or BRAIDS which do you prefer????

I had a filled day laughing ,agreeing and disagreeing to some of the comments that came in as regards the subject matter WEAVONS or BRAIDS which do you prefer??? i have  the luxury of owning a BlackBerry with wonderful contacts whose got my back anytime.

So far i had about 70percent of ladies that prefers Braids to Weavons, surprisingly they wear weavons even more.

 Some of the comment below
  • I prefer braids because its last longer , i can easily wash and blowdry or use cotton and spirit to clean my hair but i wear weavon more because my front hair is scanty says Albion.

Its easy to fix, its not time consuming unlike briads , fixing my hair brings out the chicklike in me and always makes me look more gorgeous says Morayo collection.
  • Its easier when you briad you dont have to worry about brushing your hair all the time and carrying your brush every where you go unlike weavon, with braids different styles can be acomplished says Tosin Banwo.
  • This is the most funny one - she says braids brings out the real you and that wearing weavon gives you a fake look, also the naija weather does not allow one to even enjoy wearing weavons because of heat which eventually causes the hair to smell even the so called harmattan we have in Nigeria specially Lagos is not  original says FeyIkemi....LMAO. Moreso we should look african by wearing braids and guess what she hardly braids hersef...LOL.
  • Braiding makes me look younger and brings out my beauty even more - i quite agree with Lommy but she hardly braids because her hair is light and breaks easily but get the most compliments whenever she braids.

  • Weavon makes me look beautiful, i can decide to wear it as long as i want depending on how i maintain it even if its looks old  but braids once its old its old its gotta  come off.

 Most people prefers braids  to weavons or the other way round , this is so according to their convinience , some people are just lazy about their hair and does whatever is convenient at the time . Both hair styles are healthy depending on how it is being maintained.In essence keeping your hair beautiful and clean makes a healthy you irrespective of your choice.

Healthwise its ideally to wear weavons for 1 - 3weeks max.and briads 2 - 5weeks as the case may be.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

this season : COLORS the happiness its gives

Its the color season people , bringing out the best moods in us that what colors does .....Pains ,sadness , hurts and all those bad bad adjectives that has one or two things to do with sorrow is inevitable in our everyday life,we can overcome all these if we try to look good and show some colors sometimes. Bright colors such as Red ,Yellow , Green etc you know all them bright colors na..

There are times i feel down depressed and i really want to get out of that mood , i look through my closet and think of how i can combine my outfits of different colors. sometimes am blank no idea i just march them and when am done  i see this vein of pure happiness come out of me especially when am going on the street and someone says i love your combo ,your color combination is nice,you look good  automatically you are smiling and gradually coming out of your bad mood.its works for me infact many times .In essence looking good always makes one happy ...no matter the situation looking good is one of the medicine for good moods.
image credits : Black Girls killing it

Quarreling with your spouse ,husband ,loved ones??? and you wanna reconcile,try looking good(good hair & makeup ) + your lovely outfit  at that moment you got them staring and saying all such of nice compliments. Try this sometimes, look good  i mean really look good its helps.....

image credits :Black Girls killing it